Pink clay. Cover of pink clay facial

Author: admin Date: Птн, 01 Мар 2013 21:17:00 +0000


Pink clay contains red and white clay in various proportions. Is composed of minerals, has a disinfectant and smoothing capacity on the facial skin. Soft pink clay is recommended for delicate upkeep of a epidermis. It is also used as an astringent and smoothing cover and in shampoos for ordinary hair.

Beautician claimed that the range of a particular type of clay depends on the patient's problems, the state of his face. Clay, assorted with h2o, hardens quickly and however soon however it loses moisture, its moisturizing capacity on a facial skin is leveled, it narrows a pores and dries the skin. This mask is not suitable for very dry and sensitive skin even more. Read more -->

Olive oil for skin

Author: admin Date: Чтв, 21 Фев 2013 10:39:00 +0000


The best olive butter - Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It is completely organic, and is not cleared by any industrial procedures. Way to have it cold press of the most healthy, sweet and ripe olives, and is sold in bottles of colored glass.

If you buy another brand, you ever read the label: it may be refined butter or a mix of oils - in this case can not expect the exterior of a magical affinity that olive butter is known for hundreds of years.

Having bought a olive oil, It is possible to check the quality of the cottage. Butter in a bottle can be transparent - put it in the freezer for 10 minutes. If it hardens and turbid, and at placement temperature again becomes clear - it is qualitative. Such butter stored at room temperature in the colored - no more than a year.

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Lip service: folk remedies for cracked lips

Author: admin Date: Пнд, 18 Фев 2013 06:21:00 +0000


Several minutes a day smazhem lips recent cow butter or melted fat bird. Thus, we will provide the skin with vitamins B and soften them.

Make casseroles? Put a some dumplings, a drop of carrot juice and make a mask for lips. Vitamins A and C, however properly as eating lips provided.

If the cracks on the lips of the deep - it would create an active cream: 5 g rhizomes of Potentilla wipe the powderise and cook in 200 grams of cow butter. This serum will be therapeutic substances and vitamins B.

If weathered lips - warm up the candle wax with hemp oil, combine and composition namazh lips at night. In the reasonable all will be okay.

To prevent possible overnight lubricate lips any veg nectar or honey - perfectly nourishes, detoxifies, provides essence trace items.

Scratches and cracks on the lips are rightly treated gruel of medium apples mixed with the butter. Skin receives medication and regimen.

If a lips appear red spots - however soon facial skin will begin to peel. Read more -->

Beneficial treatments for neck skin self-massotherapy a neck

Author: admin Date: Пнд, 28 Янв 2013 13:51:00 +0000


We present you approximately treatments for the neck. Self-massotherapy neck skin beauticians suggest to do every time. Self-massotherapy strengthens the neck skin muscles of the skin, neck skin allows you to clear your skin of toxins and deposits, improves blood circulation. Isolated dry and wet methods neck massage. To preserve the lovely of a neck skin longer must a rightly pillow...

Poise. Holding a head. Read more -->

Eye Care. Facial skin Care Age

Author: admin Date: Птн, 25 Янв 2013 10:19:00 +0000


No one will argue that the eyes - a mirror of the soul. In the eyes may "drown" in a ocean. All gerls need to keep beautiful eyes, and a most expressive eyes. With proper maintenance of skin eyes you can not only improve their exterior, and improve eyesight.

The eyelids are especially noteworthy. For the leaving, it is desirable to apply alone especial funds, which is marked "For skin service age." Also keep in mind a direction in which it is required to use attention items and massotherapy the facial skin around a skin eyes.

Massage the serum lines around the eyes:

A serum and massage a face around a eyes is conducted for a least stretching of a skin.

On a upper eyelids - from inner to outer corner of a eye.

At the lower ages - with a outer to the inner.


This proceedings, how hydration, especially important in the summer and in a cold season with moisturizers possess to be careful: a moisture in a facial skin, combined with a cold-blooded turns to ice. Why, at this time of year it is recommended to use more fat face creams.

In a morning (at least half an hour earlier leaving the house) to clean a skin, and then easily use a thin layer of fat cream, it is completely engrossed. Read more -->

Facial skin Service around a skin eyes. Compresses for tired skin eyes

Author: admin Date: Пнд, 20 Авг 2012 10:09:00 +0000


ADVANCED Face - technology for face service. Improved formula of this item combines two neuropeptide that relax the face muscles, which effect in a reduction of wrinkles.

Included as part of a tool Biopeptides, antioxidants, enzymes, vitamins, minerals, and microencapsulation technology these ingredients make this an effective tool in a fight against many of a hallmarks of aging.

86% of women reported a significant improvement in face.

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