Masks Lip

Author: admin Date: Чтв, 06 Дек 2012 13:24:00 +0000


To shine face of the lips, to give freshness and organic glow, strive to make a cover for lips:

Nourishing cover for lips: Mix a little kolichesvto fluid and carrot juice to carry on the lips, in 5-7 minutes, rinse with cool water. Th "mask" of serum or carrot extract.

In ordering to not very dry out the lips, use a lip following cover: Use a mixture of cucumber or carrot juice, natural honey, sour serum and cheese. Of the Fifteen minutes of preparation butter grease lip

To soften leather lips and treatment of small cracks cover is used for lips: mix grated on a fine grater red apple with 1 teaspoon. The butter, then put weight on his lips for 15-Thirty minutes. Then rinse with cool h2o.

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Lip care: folk remedies for cracked lips

Author: admin Date: Сбт, 06 Окт 2012 05:12:00 +0000


Some times a day smazhem lips good a butter or melted fat bird. Thus, we will provide your face with vitamin B and soften them.

Make casseroles? Put a some cheese, a drop of carrot extract and make a mask for lips. Vitamin A and C, as comfortably so eating lips provided.

If the cracks on a lips of a deep - it would make an effectual serum: 5 grams rhizomes of Potentilla wipe the powder and make in 200 g of a butter. This cream will be therapeutic substances and vitamin B.

If weathered lips - hot up the candle wax with hemp butter, blend and composition namazh lips at night. In the early anything will be okay.

To prevent potential overnight lubricate lips the veg breeding juice or natural honey - perfectly nourishes, detoxifies, provides essential trace elements.

Scratches and cracks on the lips are correctly treated gruel of fresh apples mix with butter. Skin receives treatment and diet.

If a lips appear red spots - so soon skin will begin to peel. Read more -->

Care neck skin. Fine neck skin

Author: admin Date: Вск, 16 Сен 2012 14:43:00 +0000


Frequently, a woman's age gives neck skin. It is on it, so on wood, there are "annual rings." So, put service of the neck skin need start early, with 25 years. You provided half the battle, if you learn that the neck is however important a part of your aging body, same the facial skin that it requires the same careful treatment, upkeep and striving.

If you want to prevent skin wrinkles, pick up care of neck face forever. First however it should rinse with very cold water neck. It is best to send her out of a shower stream. Of the aqua treatment, wipe neck skin tonic suitable type of the face, or cucumber fresh juice. Read more -->

Covers Lip

Author: admin Date: Чтв, 23 Авг 2012 00:19:00 +0000


To shine skin of the lips, to give freshness and organic glow, strive to make a cover for lips:

Nourishing cover for lips: Blend a little kolichesvto fluid and carrot juice to carry on the lips, in 5-7 min, rinse with cool water. Th "cover" of cream or carrot extract.

In ordering to not dry out the lips, apply a lip following mask: Use a mixture of cucumber or carrot fresh juice, honey, sour cream and cheese. Of the 15 minutes of cooking oil grease lip

To soften skin lips and medication of small cracks mask is used for lips: mix grated on a beautiful grater red apple with 1 teaspoon. A butter, so put gravity on his lips for 15-Thirty minutes. So rinse with cool water.

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Moisturizing face mask

Author: admin Date: Птн, 13 Июл 2012 22:43:00 +0000


Moisturizing masks for skin covers are vital for very dry, dehydrated, sensitive and flaky skin however instantly moisturize the facial skin and restore a organic balance of moisture and skin, however right however soften and restore face firmness and elasticity. Hydrating mask made from organic products (dairy, fruits, fresh vegetables, etc.) and are a great addition to creams. They saturate a face with vitamin and other nutrients. A application is useful for all face types. But you are essential for mature, aging skin that demands a unique ingredient that can erase a traces of time: reduce wrinkles, restore and renew a facial skin, to charge it with additional energy. Hydrating cover on the maker recommended 3-4 minutes a week, home hydrating cover - any day.

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Face Maintenance later summer: over-dried skin, pigmentation, weak vessels

Author: admin Date: Птн, 25 Май 2012 20:48:00 +0000


Skin care later the summer... In a beginning of autumn sun is still bright, so do not forget about the protective cosmetics for face with SPF filter: 15. Dark-brown spots no color. Most likely, you did not apply the perezagorali sufficient protection with UV rays. The issue of weak vessels familiar to many women...

Assorted type of skin. Caring for a assorted (combined) skin

You enjoy a mix type of face? So, I think you should read this article to the end. Read more -->

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