Masks Lip


To shine face of the lips, to give freshness and organic glow, strive to make a cover for lips:

Nourishing cover for lips: Mix a little kolichesvto fluid and carrot juice to carry on the lips, in 5-7 minutes, rinse with cool water. Th "mask" of serum or carrot extract.

In ordering to not very dry out the lips, use a lip following cover: Use a mixture of cucumber or carrot juice, natural honey, sour serum and cheese. Of the Fifteen minutes of preparation butter grease lip

To soften leather lips and treatment of small cracks cover is used for lips: mix grated on a fine grater red apple with 1 teaspoon. The butter, then put weight on his lips for 15-Thirty minutes. Then rinse with cool h2o.

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Cover Daily facial skin maintenance home

Mask Special attention of a facial skin and aging body


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