Make face masks Recipes


The easiest technique to prepare a facial skin cover - crushed good fruits or melon, and immediately put on the skin. If crushed fresh vegetables or melon juicy enough, a pulp may append natural milk. If a pulp, by contrast, is too thin, add a flour to it. It is as well convenient to put a whole items of orange, tomato, cucumber and grapefruit. If the consistency of the mask is a extract, it is used so follows: a a small piece of gauze with cutouts for skin eyes, nose and mouth soaked in breeding juice, a little squeeze and put on a face and neck. Instead of gauze may be used a thin layer of cotton wool. You can just lubricate a skin of berries and fruit extract, leaving it on your face for 15-20 minutes. And It is possible to mix up the extract with rice, almond bran, buckwheat flour.

In winter it is recommended to add a skin mask olive oil or glycerin. Mask from a slurry applied to the skin with a thick layer (with a ability to increase the suction of the skin). These skin masks contain a lot of vitamin and are mainly used to improve a nutrition of a skin.

So, if a facial skin is irritated, calm her cool mask with cucumber and if "tired" for the work week so you are and become flabby - cheer burning cover with products of the bees (propolis). If a cold on the facial skin get ingrained appear colored spots, create weekly paraffin mask - it will strengthen a superficial circulation and deep defects gradually "dissolve." The duration of this procedure -15-20 min. But if a facial skin is dilated blood vessels, paraffin may not be used.

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